A World of Self Automation

We are living in a time of innovation and technological advances. Developments in technology are happening everyday to make lives easier. iPhones and social media have made it possible to reach people all over the world in seconds. The next advancements in technology will lead to total self automation. 

Self-automation is a technology created to perform tasks previously done by humans. Used in manufacturing, transportation, operations, and information technology, self automation can increase productivity and overall quality of everyday tasks. This technology can calculate errors and operate more efficiently than humans can. While also accomplishing tasks quicker and more effectively, self-automated technology can be a safer alternative in high risk working conditions that involve actions such as lifting heavy equipment or operating dangerous machines. Today's self-automated machines do not have a human-like appearance or human emotions yet but serve to make day-to-day tasks easier. Current examples of such technologies include the iRobot Roomba Vacuum which has the ability to vacuum an entire house without anyone needing to be there to start, stop, or empty it. Self-driving cars such as Tesla are no longer ideas of the future. 

Just like with any new technology, there will be lasting effects in consumers’ lives. People will potentially begin to isolate themselves if they do not need to have basic human interaction such as grocery shopping and checking out with a cashier or they may grow increasingly lazy without having to do things for themselves on a regular basis. Although there are potential negative outcomes, there are positives as well. New technology can spark creativity and bring new ideas. Consumers may become inspired by new inventions and feel inspired to come up with their own. With the ability to have machines do tasks for consumers, they will also have more free time to do activities they want to do and spend more time with family. Technology can also help the world feel more connected without leaving the house, so although there is potential for loneliness with self-automation, it is up to the consumer whether or not they let it get to that point. 

Although robotic technologies do not have human features as in the movies and as society imagined, a life with this technology is not far off. Within five years, consumers will no longer need to spend time cooking, cleaning, and doing other daunting chores and will be able to focus on themselves, family, and friends. Consumers’ lives will be forever changed whether it is for better or for worse. 


Denim: Timeless Fashion